Annual Declaration of Purpose

Annual Declaration of Purpose

A year recap.

I started this electronic catalogue close to a year ago- mostly to track my time. A lot’s changed and a lot’s the same.

Still working on the same project*. The initial timeline is completely shot, so far taking twice as long as I guessed, partly because I was a little under liberal with how long the process would take and partly because of unforeseen circumstances.

I remember pulling back muscles last winter and more than one plan derailing because of it.

Roughly a year ago I was working part-time at a hotel about 15 minutes from where I was living working on stuff inbetween when I could. Now I’m working at a hotel about 15 minutes from where I’m living working on stuff in between when I can.

For the most part, this log is the same; random excerpts from the current project and random things when they come up.

For what it’s worth, I think things are getting ready to change though, speed wise at least.

I’ve mixed feelings about my progress. But, I suppose happy would be alright.

*Current project being “Calamity Cash & the Town with No Name”, written by a certain Randall Nichols of The Mojo Wire. The work is slow (I’m halfway through), mostly from only being able to work a few hours a day on it. But, it’s just an exercise for practice, so, it’s alright. And you can tell. I’m getting better page by page, so, in that respect, I’m pretty happy. I think another twenty three pages and I might be up to par.

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