Crapload of trading cards

Well, I've got a crapload of these now.

It was a really good deal that I couldn't pass up. I wasn't too confident about the quality for the price, so I only ordered a medium batch, but I was pretty surprised at the quality. Black and white line art is kind of iffy to print, especially the tones on something small like that- the printer will print bands across the tones almost always.  I was surprised that they meant 600 dpi when they said it (usually when cheap printers say they can print 600 dpi, they can really only print around 350, tops).

Like I said, this was a really good deal. If I had known that they were going to print this nice, I would've ordered a huge batch of them. But if I need more I can always order more from the company, they'll just be a little more than they were this time.

I try to order stuff like this when I see a sale or a good deal. This stuff's outrageous at normal price. I think one of the online printers stopped sending me ads for free stuff because I kept using them. I think I got about four or five $5 orders for $100 worth of stuff before they stopped sending me free offers.

If anybody has an offer for free Vistaprint postcards or business cards, please forward it to me. They've stopped sending them to me. They only send me 25 and 50% off offers now.

Also, these cards are why this drawing wasn't very detailed- it was only going to be printed very small.

I'll be officially starting this book in twenty days. Boy, that seems strange to think.

Hope I do a good job of this.

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